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KS5 transition resources

Preparing thoroughly for A-levels over the summer will prove greatly beneficial to you in making the jump from GCSE to A-level. 

Please use the subject links on the right-hand side of this page to find various resources which should be completed before September.

A large number of you have signed up to do an EPQ next year, and some of you have been in contact, keen to make a start on that over the summer, a very commendable attitude. 

The EPQ is more than just a 5000 word essay, it is a fully researched and independently managed project. You will require taught skills and supervisor support in order to complete it, and whilst we don't recommend that you make a start on the project before that support is available to you, we do recommend that you have a think about some suitable topics, and complete the following form prior to your start in September: \\SAC-FS1-001\Staff-Share$\Sixth Form\Sixth Form Transition Materials\EPQ Application Form.docx

 Some of you may also want to sign up for the following online course in preparation for your projects.

How to Succeed in your EPQ - The University of Bath

It's an EPQ preparation course, designed to be completed over three weeks, three hours a week. 

You will need to sign up on the link above and commit to three sessions a week, to sit down and complete the various tasks allocated to each session. 

Please note, I believe there is a small fee attached to the course, which is why it is completely optional.