In Year Admissions
St Ambrose College is a boys Catholic Grammar school and we are currently oversubscribed and there are no places available for any year of entry.
All In Year applications must be made through the Trafford Council Application Portal: Trafford Portal Link
All In Year applications will be acknowledged, and parents will be notified whether a place is available, no later than 15 school days from receipt of the application. If there are no places available in the applicant’s year group, then the applicant will be added to the In Year waiting list.
In Year admission assessments will only be undertaken if a place is available in the relevant year group. Should a place become available all students on the In Year waiting list for that year group will be invited to attend an In Year Assessment to ensure St Ambrose College grammar school suitability. All applicants who qualify for place through the In Year Assessment will be ranked as per our Oversubscription Criteria, which is the same as for Year 7 Admission, and the place will be allocated accordingly.
Those qualified applicants who are not offered a place due to oversubscription will be added to the In Year Qualified List and will remain on the list for a period of 12 months from the date of the Assessment.
Only one in-year assessment process can be undertaken each academic year. Reassessment of a candidate following an unsuccessful In-Year assessment may only take place a minimum of 12 months after the original assessment.
Please note – An In-Year Assessment can only be conducted for candidates who are resident in the UK. Once you have arrived in the UK and have taken up residency please complete the Application Form.
Parents/carers will need to reapply at the start of each academic year if they want their child to be included on the in year register where a place cannot be offered.
Under the terms of Education Act 1998, all parents/carers of candidates refused admission have the right to appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel against any decision made by the School. The decision of the Independent Appeals Panel is binding on both the School and parents/carers. ‘In Year’ admission appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. Please contact the Admissions Officer if you wish to exercise this right.
For further information, please email: