A Level Results Day 2021
Our Year 13 students are invited to collect their results in person on Tuesday 10th August.
Students are advised that face masks must be worn indoors and social distancing is to be adhered to.
Collection times are as follows:
Surnames from A to G between 8:30 and 8:40am
Surnames from H to L between 8:40 and 8:50am
Surnames from M to O between 8:50 and 9:00am
Surnames from P to Z between 9:00 and 9:10am
Students are asked to remain off-site or in cars (some limited car parking will be available in the staff car park next to the Key Stage 4 yard) until their allocated slot and then approach the Lecture Theatre entrance when instructed. Students will collect results from staff stationed in the Lecture Theatre and then proceed across the stage, exit at the door next to the stage and then round to the Key Stage 4 yard. If any students require additional support and/or guidance, they should then return to the building via the main reception where they will be given further instructions.