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Students study a wide and varied curriculum at Saint Ambrose College. 

To provide parents and carers with a more in-depth breakdown of our curriculum, we use Knowledge Organisers.

These useful documents can be found within the subject folder via the right-hand menu links. Each year group has a dedicated page. 

The aims of the Knowledge Organisers are numerous, including mapping out content to be covered in each half-term, guidance as to how the content will be assessed, opportunities for stretch and challenge, and, on occasions, key pieces of work which will be teacher marked and will contribute to assessment judgments.  Furthermore, in the event of student absence, access to the Knowledge Organisers on the website will help to minimise the potential impact on progress and lost learning time in the classroom.

Please note that, although the vast majority of subjects follow the same format, there may be occasions where classes are on a carousel or are re-adjusted to ensure lab space.  As a result, programmes in those areas may differ from class to class e.g. Technology.

Michaelmas Term 

September - December 

Lent Term 

January - March

Trinity Term

April - July